Book of
Revelation Understanding the order in which to read the visions shown to John will answer all these questions
Matt 24, Mark 12-13
and Luke 21 The Olivet Discourse |
7 year Tribulation?? | |
War in the Middle
East![]() #5 Gog of Magog
The Book
of Revelation |
![]() #6 Beast of Revelation |
![]() #7 Seals, Trumps, Wrath |
![]() #8 Sixth Seal and the Rapture |
![]() #9 Harlot Babylon |
Chap-1 Statue Dream |
Chap-2 4 beasts of Daniel |
Ram & Goat |
Chap-4 Partthian history | Chap5 Kings of the North |
Chap-6 Olivet Discourse pt1 | Chap-7 70 Weeks of Daniel |
Chap-9 2Thes- Paul | Chap-10 Gog of Magog |
Chap-11 Beast of Revelation |
Chap-12 Seals, Trumps & Bowls |
Chap-13 Woman-Rev 12 |
Chap-14 The Harlot Babylon | Chap-15 2nd beast of Rev 13 |
Chap-16 Image of the first Beast |
Chap-17 Islamic Empire |
How come that Antichrist
standing in the Temple
never showed up??
This is why.
Dan 9:26; And after threescore and two
weeks shall Messiah be cut off,
Notice that it says AFTER the
69th week. Not before, or on the last day of the 69th week, but
it is over,
which puts His being "cut
off" as taking place during the
70th week.